Our Community

At NorthernTel, we believe that the sustained success and growth of our business is directly linked to the well-being of the communities we serve. Vibrant, connected communities go hand in hand with economic expansion, creativity and innovation. For more than 100 years, we have offered our financial support and business expertise to help strengthen our communities. Adding to this commitment is the dedication and spirit of our talented employees and retirees whose volunteer efforts assist countless charitable and not-for-profit organizations each year. To learn more about what NorthernTel is doing in your community, visit the links below.  NorthernTel will continue to help a variety of organizations and causes that support programs and initiatives that have a meaningful and lasting impact on Northeastern Ontarians.

What is Community Relations (Corporate Donations)?

At NorthernTel, our community relations program is a branch of our overall corporate investment program. Through community relations, NorthernTel makes financial and in-kind contributions to charitable and not-for-profit organizations within Northeastern Ontario. 

Program Objectives

The overall objective of NorthernTel's community relations program is to support organizations that deliver programs and initiatives that have a meaningful and lasting impact on Northeastern Ontarians. NorthernTel will continue to help a variety of organizations and causes that support programs and initiatives that are important to Northeastern Ontarians.

Do you qualify for funding support?

We welcome requests from organizations that demonstrate their ability to make a positive difference in our communities. Please review the following to ensure that your organization, program or initiative falls within our criteria for consideration.

Criteria / Eligibility

All requests for funding must be from organizations, programs and initiatives that:

We favour organizations, programs, and initiatives that:

Requests from the following types of organizations will NOT be considered:

Requests for the following types of funding will NOT be considered:


All organizations, programs and initiatives supported by NorthernTel are reviewed on an annual basis and funding arrangements for specific programs will be limited to three years. 

Funded Projects

Some examples of programs funded through NorthernTel's Community Relations program include:

How to Apply

If you wish to apply for a donation or sponsorship, please contact Sandy McDonald through email at sandy.McDonald@bell.ca (Opens in the default email client)